lördag 22 februari 2014

The Devil Wears Prada and eats rice cakes

Tonight I watched the movie The Devil Wears Prada, that I borrowed from Im. It was a feel good movie, even though I just felt bad for the main character Andrea played by Anne Hathaway as she struggles to do any impossible task that her boss Miranda at the fashion magazine Runway asks her to do. The movie is about how evil Miranda is, and how Andrea has to give up more and more of her life to work.

Since we worked with status between different characters during the last performance class at the course I thought a lot about what gestures, movement, voice and other things that made Miranda to the boss and Andrea to her slave. I guess the message is that you shouldn't crawl around for someone who is just evil to you and don't even say thank you, and that your personal life is always the most important.

Before I went to England I was told that there was not flavored rice cakes in England, but is was wrong! Today i was resting from the course week and the London weekend before that but I went grocery shopping and then I found the rice cakes! I like rice cakes and these chili ones was very good while watching the movie.

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