tisdag 18 februari 2014

Juggling and first aid

Today was not a physically day, which was quite nice. One of the first days here, one former CIP-student told me that everyone was just fine the first weeks, but then we would get tired and then recover. I am feeling that a little now. We had manipulation in the morning and i tried cigar boxes for the first time, and I quite liked them actually. I got a bit tired in my legs of bending my knees to try to get more time to catch the boxes.

We also tried some contact juggling and isolation with hoops. 

My main practice was to try to get the drive right with two diabolos, since I tend to drive with the left stick rather than the right. It is so difficult to relearn something but after a while I managed to make the drive about even between the sticks, and now I just have to mess around to learn how to control the different tilts of the cups. 

At the end of the class I was introduced to the art of passing clubs.

My top beginner passing clubs tips:
  • Look at your partner and NOT on your hand where you will catch the passed club.
  • Don't flick the club - to avoid this, hold with a firm wrist in the middle of the grip of the club.
  • Try to throw in a nice crescent so the air patterns gets nice and quite slow. To get this, let your hand dip quite low before you make the passing throw.
  • Don't speed it up; keep a fairly slow pace.
In the afternoon we had first aid, which was a nice reminder of all different aid help I have learned. We learned how to check for breathing, bleeding and what can look wrong. I liked how the class was customized for us, so we learned how to check in the eyes and upper lip for redness/paleness, rather than the cheeks which can be very difficult if you have stage makeup on or don't exactly know what their normal color is. We learned about straining injuries, burning injuries and many other things that I found really useful. We also got a book that summed it all up, and it had many good acronyms to help remembering what to look for.

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