torsdag 27 mars 2014

Five balls and tightwire progress

I have been working towards five balls and I can now do six throws and catches, which actually means that it is more than a flash! I am so happy for this and feel that five balls might be within reach, even though I realize that there is much work left. Juggling is a discipline that really takes time a practice to get good at, as everything else.

Since there is only two of us doing equbrilistics, we are doing it together with the manipulation group, which I really like. I was worried that it would be lonely walking the tightwore back and fourth but it has been great. Today I was so sore in my whole body and realized that I had really underestimated how many muscles that are actually used when doing tightwire walking, but is is maybe more of static motions and to keep the body tense than the movements themselves.

I also practices how to get down at sit on the tightwire, and some ways up and down and how they affect the balance. In lunchtime we rigged up the tightwire on some stage pieces so it got a lot higher up in the air, and filled the space under with crash mats. It is so much less scary to walk that high up now that the first time I tried it; then my spotters kept talking about how sweaty my hand were (and they actually were from nervousness of falling down).

During practice I wore my new shoes to protect my feet from the wire. I think it is men's ballet shoes, but they work really well for tightwire walking too.

Together with the jugglers we did some creative exercises that was the best ones so far. I adopted the exercises to tightwire which worked out better than it may sound.

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