torsdag 17 april 2014

Full time rehersals and performance tips

This week we are having full time rehearsals for the final show. It is quite different from the other parts of the course because the focus has shifted from learning to presenting. During every day of this week there is a "presenting time" when the teachers from each subject come in and "hand over" the different acts to the director. So far we have been doing aerial, clowning and juggling (and acrobatics for those who chose that).

This is the first time for me to be directed in this way, but I like it. Sometimes it is like the director is pointing out the obvious, like "remember to look at the audience", but it is so easy to get lost in your own performance that you actually forget to do that. It is also nice to have the director as the eye of the audience, and to me it also feels safer do be directed rather than trying to find out if things work or not by yourself.

To tips for performances

  • Make things clear - everything you do has to be clear to the audience to avoid confusion.
  • Do it more - this is connected with the previous tip to make it clear. If you are jumping - jump more. If you are happy - be happier. Sometimes it feels like you are doing it a lot but from the audience point of view it may not be completely clear.
  • Look at the audience - Try to look at the audience at unexpected moments to invite them to share whatever you are doing

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