onsdag 16 april 2014

Fight night photos from BJC

I want to really emphasize how fun it was to watch Fight Night at BJC, The British Juggling Convention. Fight Night is a game played among jugglers with the goal to hit the other people's patters so they drop their clubs. Too bad I didn't manage to take any good photos of this funny sport with my mobile camera - it was all happening to fast for it to capture those moments. Luckily i found that at the BJC Facebook page (click for link) Richard Brown had posted some good photos that caught the drama of Fight Night.

Fight Night rules:
All participants juggle three clubs in an designated area. To get a point, you have to make your opponent stop juggling while you continue. This is done by using your clubs to hit their pattern, usually after throwing a high throw. Go get a point, you need to continue juggling for some time after the opponent has lost his clubs. It is allowed to juggle any three clubs to get a point; this means that if you during an attack manage to steal one of your opponents clubs to continue juggling you will still get a point. If both of you drop your clubs after an attack, noone gets a point. Fist to three (or any other number) wins!

Fight Night can be played either man to man in pairs, or in "gladiator style" where everyone is just in a mess trying to be the last man juggling.

The seeding for the Fight Night

Fight Night in galdiator style during Juggling Olympics

Photo credits: Richard Brown

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