onsdag 3 september 2014

Umeå contemporary circus festival

This weekend is the Umeå contemporary circus festival, and since I love watching circus I am definitely going! It started the 29th of August but I will join this weekend.

I will attend the circus festival as a volunteer because I think it is important to work for projects like this one, but also to get the opportunity to get behind the scenes.

The Umeå contemporary circus festival is the first international contemporary circus festival in Sweden ever, with many different seminars, street shows and acts. There will be seven productions and over 30 shows!

I am especially looking forward to the show "Glitch" by the juggler Johan Wellton, since I both like juggling and the idea of a glitch between how you are and what society expects and thinks of you (because that how I interpret the trailer). I like the picture of all the swinging lamps in the patterns because it looks a little like poi spinning patterns.

Here you can watch the trailer for the show Glitch:

I am so happy to go there!

The program for Umeå contemporary circus festival can be found here
The program as PDF
Homepage for the festival

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