lördag 27 september 2014

Circus inspired training

I have for sure been watching a lot of circus performances lately, and this have made me very intrested in training once again. When I watch circus and other movements, I feel that I want to try it out myself!

Until I was 17, I practiced and competed in figure skating, but since then, I have just been training not so intense and with no special plan or goal. But now, my goals are directly related to various circus skills I have seen on stage (even though I am far away from reaching them).

Another motivation for increasing strengh is the fact that during the Foundation circus course I went to this spring at Greentop Circus, I did some aerial silks and static trapeze. I felt like I could get my head around the techniques relatively easy, but it was my lack of strength that slowed me down.

Now when I am thinking about how to do other disciplines of circus than juggling here in Luleå, I decided that while I am thinking about different opportunities it will help if I spend som time to build up some strength.

During my time at Greentop, I alway arrived early to class, so I spent about 10 minuets every morning trying to do a handstand against the wall. I have now pciked up that habit again, trying to build up some strength so be able to do a free handstand one day. This means that i have been slightly obsessed lately with reading about how to make handstands on the internet.

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