måndag 27 oktober 2014

The ultimate colors for juggling balls set

We have all seen them: These really professional jugglers that has like 9 white clubs and do amazing things. To me, having white props, black clothes and enter a black stage will give me some prejudices about what style of juggling the juggler will do.

I will soon order LEDballs, and last time I bought juggling balls I was thinking a lot about what colours to get. I was practising five ball flash quite a lot so I wanted the balls to have different colours so I could check that I caught the balls in the right hand. I wanted six, and they only had six colours, so I ended up with one in each colour. I still don't like that pink one.

So now I am buying LED-ball to use at performances, so I here are some suggestions if you like to have different colours when you juggle.

Don't get me wrong, I like when they are all in the same colour too.

3 balls
2+1 makes it possible to enhance special trick such as jugglers tennis.

4 balls
3+1 is one possible combination, but 2+2 is also an interesting one. 3+1 allows monochrome three ball if you want that, but 2+2 allows to have 2+1 with both chosen colours.

5 balls
I felt that it was difficult to fins some good combinations. with five balls, I don't see very often that any accent balls are needed. Maybe 4+1? 2+3 is also a good combination, because the both monochrome three ball is possible and also 2+2.

6 balls
I was thinking that maybe 2+4 would be a nice combination, because I can imagine that it would look nice with one accent ball in each three ball column when juggling? Also this makes many other good combinations for 4 and 3 ball patterns possible.
Also 4+1+1 is an interesting one, because it allows a three ball pattern with 3 different colours.

I wrote this article when I was thinking about what to buy considering LED juggling balls. At the end, I decided 6 balls, 4 green and 2 white like the northern light. It is going to be a nice juggling winter, and since I live in the northern part of Sweden there will be a lot of darkness to juggle in!

That is my thoughts on choosing ball colours for juggling sets. If you have thoughts about this it would be interesting to hear yours!

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