söndag 18 maj 2014

Show what you have learned in England!

I have now been back in Luleå for two weeks, but I am already back into normal life. I spent most of the time unpacking and moving back into my room, but also studying for a math exam I did yesterday.

Today it is almost 15 degrees outside and it has started to feel like spring and summer here too. Just this two weeks I have been here I have noticed that the "boom" for plants and trees just have started, even though it is still piles of snow and ice left in shadow areas in the forest.

I also tried to do some handstands the other day, and I could now feel that I have become a little better since I last did it. I really want to learn free handstands, so every morning at Greentop I would arrive early to get about 15 minuets a day to do handstands against the wall. When I had the chance I practiced to do a free handstand and then crash down on a mat. I think it is the environment around here that makes me realize what I have learned, since skills and changes develop slowly.

All my friends seems curious about what I actually did at Greentop, and I usually say that I was playing around for 3 months which is quite true. I really enjoyed all the time I spent in England. Also many people want me to show them something that I have learned and that is really difficult. i don't know their expectations and I don't know if whatever I show them will be corresponding to their expectations.

Today I have been practicing some more five ball flashes, and it is my goal this summer to be able to do 20 throws in a five ball cascade. At the moment my all time record is 7, so I have quite a long way to go to get to 20.

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